Winter is my favorite season. I enjoy cold weather and love when it snows (and not just because of snow days!) During the month of January my story times feature many winter and snowman books as well as penguins and Martin Luther King. Jr. biographies. Below is a list of some of my favorite January read alouds. A note: I read most of these stories with kindergarten and first graders. I teach my second graders about the Caldecott during January. If you would like to read about how I teach the Caldecott Medal, click here. All You Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle Lists everything that one needs to build the perfect snowman, from the very first snowflake that falls. Axle Annie by Robin Pulver The schools in Burskyville never close for snow because Axle Annie is always able to make it up the steepest hill in town,