
Nursery rhymes – the beloved lyrical stories of childhood. But there is so much more to these rhyming stories and songs than just entertaining children. These timeless rhymes and melodies are instrumental in laying the groundwork for literacy by introducing young learners to language patterns, rhythms, and rhyming structures. But the fun with nursery rhymes doesn’t stop there! We can continue to use nursery rhymes as the starting place for a variety of reading, language, and creative activities with students of all ages. Today, I’m thrilled to share with you how you can infuse the magic of nursery rhymes into your library sessions! Benefits of Using Nursery Rhymes Including nursery rhymes in our school libraries gives us a wealth of educational benefits that span early childhood development. There are the obvious benefits connected to pre-writing skills like learning to rhyme and developing an understanding of language structures. But the
Welcome to a world where literacy meets melody, and young minds embark on a harmonious journey of learning and joy! In the school library, the magic of books comes alive not only through the pages but also through the enchanting tunes and playful fingerplays. Incorporating library songs and fingerplays into library time for young students creates an immersive, multisensory experience that fuels their love for reading and visiting the school library! Ready to take library time for young learners to a whole new level? If so, I know you’ll see the tremendous value in using library songs at your school! Join me on this musical adventure as we explore library songs that will turn ordinary library classes into learning symphonies. You’ll be rewarded with laughter while growing the curiosity and imagination of young readers. 6 Library Songs That Are Perfect for Primary Students 1. Parts of a Story by
October is such a fun month for picture books! This time of year, everyone is getting excited for the upcoming holiday season and the weather changing. My October pictures favorites include a lot of fun Halloween stories, funny fall books, and plenty of giggles for your students! BONE SOUP BY CAMBRIA EVANS Known across the land for his infamous appetite, Finnigin is never seen without his eating stool, his eating spoon, and his gigantic eating mouth. But, when Finnigin finds himself in a new town on Halloween, he hopes to join a great feast with the creatures who live there. But not a body or soul will share any of their food with the ever-famished Finnigin. So what’s a hungry skeleton to do? Armed only with his wits and a special ingredient, will Finnigin be able to stir up a cauldron’s worth of Halloween magic? MISS SMITH AND THE
Asking students to sit still for too long can leave you feeling like you want to pull your hair out! Even as adults, we can struggle to focus on one thing for too long. That’s why it is important to add some variation into your lessons and implement some strategies to help your students get rid of some of their extra energy to be able to focus. One way to do this is utilizing story time videos and brain breaks. Research shows that scheduling breaks into your lessons helps students learn better. Taking a break helps students to refocus and stay engaged. Breaks increase productivity and add a little fun into your day! Whenever you see students starting to get antsy, use one of these breaks to help keep your class on track. It is so important to offer opportunities for physical activity and movement within your lessons, doing so