Getting Started with Wakelet in the Library

In a world that is constantly evolving, it is vital to embrace the changes. One way to do this is by exploring how technology can enhance current spaces. A library is not just a place to check out books but is a place to connect, collaborate, and create resources! Wakelet is a resource that allows users to do all three of these aspects in one spot, so you won’t have to worry about losing anything. 

What is Wakelet?

Wakelet is a website that allows users to save, share, and organize links in a way that makes sense and is aesthetically pleasing. You don’t have to worry about organizing bookmarks, using the same browser or computer to access them, and putting everything into folders. You can create a Wakelet collection for anything you do at school and home. Collections can be created for different classes, collaborations, and more. Here’s how you get started!

Account Creation

The first step to using Wakelet is to create an account, which is free! After going to,, you will click “Sign Up” the first time and then “Login” when logging in after creating an account. 

Collection Creation

After creating your account, it is time for the organization to start! You will create a collection by clicking on the green plus sign. 

First, follow a few steps to ensure my collection stays organized. First, decide the privacy setting of your account. For example, use private if you are working on the collection and not ready for others to view it yet. On the other hand, use unlisted if you are working with another person, such as a teacher or another librarian, on putting a collection together. Finally, use public once the collection is ready to go and everyone can enjoy it. 

After this,  create a title and subtitle for your collection that relates to the content that will be in it. For example, you could use “Ways Wakelet Benefits Libraries” and share ideas on how to use Wakelet in your school libraries. You could also have Wakelet collections of books, videos, and more!

Next,  click “Add a Cover Image” and insert a picture that relates to the topic. Wakelet allows you to select between uploading your own image or choosing from a library they have. All you have to do is type in a key word and tons of options appear! Next, you decide if you need to edit the cover image, such as by repositioning it, or how big you want it to be- half or full. 

There is also the option to change the background image. I used the novel pages in my example, but there are so many options to pick from! You can upload an image or search their library. 

Once you add an image, you can start adding content! Click on the green plus sign and add anything you’d like to your collection. Options include:

  • Website links (paste URL)
  • Text
  • YouTube videos
  • Tweets
  • Bookmarks
  • Images
  • PDFs
  • Google Drive or OneDrive files
  • Flipgrid videos

Think of all the content you can add to support your library and learners!

How will you get started using Wakelet in your library and classroom? 

Keeping Cool in the Library is my blog, where I share my passion for fostering a love of reading with children. As a librarian, I believe reading should be fun and accessible to all students. That’s why I share engaging and interactive lesson plans, creative ways to build exciting library collections, and resources to inspire even the most reluctant readers in any classroom or library. Check out my blog posts and products in my store, and join my email list below.


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