Using Wakelet in the Library

Wakelet is the perfect tool for saving, sharing, and organizing links in a visual way that makes it easier for all users (students and teachers) to access. If you haven’t set up your Wakelet collections yet, be sure to read the blog post “Getting Started with Wakelet.” It is part of the September membership content. Once you set up Wakelet, now you can start using Wakelet in the library! Here are some perfect collections to start in your library Wakelet. 

Digital Storytelling

A library is a great place to read and create! I love how students can take their love of storytelling and create their own story. With Wakelet, students can add so many features as well.

Begin by clicking on the green plus sign and then your list of options comes up. For your story, you can add text, an image, and/or a YouTube recording. There are so many combinations! To add one item at a time, click on the plus sign and add text, click on the green sign and add an image, and so on. I love that the same process is used every time you add in a new piece!

Don’t worry, all of the spaces and green lines will disappear when done editing! 

Students or the teacher can also record the story on YouTube or Flipgrid and then add it right into the collection. 

The same format can be used for so many purposes. Students can write about their life, generate awareness about important causes, or create a biography for a project. 


Wakelet helps you connect with students as readers and writers. Blogs are a great way to provide an outlet for students to express themselves. Students may write about their thoughts while reading, about life in general, or using guidelines. They can also add additional images or even videos to enhance their blog posts. 


Communication is a key part of running a library. Newsletters help alert others on events, such as an author showcase, a special reading of a book, and literacy nights. In addition to events, upcoming book releases can spark excitement and draw in visitors in addition to quick overviews of popular books.  Share special newsletters with your students or teachers. One of my favorite newsletter uses for colleagues is sharing library resources available to help support their classrooms and own professional development. This is incredibly valuable during remote learning!

Book Talks

Instead of having students scroll through different websites and links to books, I love to take their interests and create one collection. For example, you may title it “Book Talks” and create a list with popular books. Use the same technique as Digital Storytelling and add in a picture of the book along with text, a short description of the book or a key paragraph to spark interest. 

You can create multiple collections based on author, genre, or theme.

Reading Logs

Help students track their reading but in a more engaging format. Wakelet is perfect to do this! Students can write summaries and provide recommendations. For example, students can add text with “If you liked this, you may be interested in…” and group books of the same theme together. 

In addition, an entire class can do this together. Students can then look through books their class read independently and see which ones spark their own interest to read! Wakelet is perfect for collaboration!


It is so important for students to learn ways to cite research correctly. In order to do that, effective researching is key! By using Wakelet, students do not have to worry about scrolling through lists of links or losing notes. 

Students can create a collection based on their research. Using the plus sign, students can add in their own notes through text, URL’s, YouTube videos, Tweets, Images, PDF’s, and Google Drive resources. 

Everything the students need is organized and can create a smoother writing process. Whether information is coming from books or the Internet, everything is in one place. 

Reading Portfolio

While a teacher may have a student for a year, librarians are blessed to have students for multiple years. I love the bonds that can grow year after year! One of my best feelings is the look on a students face when I get a book that I know they will love based on their check out history. 

With a portfolio, students can create a yearly collection of favorite books, favorite activities, writing samples, art projects, and videos of themselves reflecting on the year. Collaboration between the librarian and teacher can benefit the collection in so many ways!

Special Feature

Flipgrid videos are a great tool to record your own video. Wakelet allows users to upload videos created in Flipgrid directly into the collection. I can create a visual and audio piece into each of my activities. For example, you can record yourself reading a book and then have students blog their thoughts or even record their own Flipgrid with their thoughts! For students who may struggle to write, you can offer this suggestion when they are reflecting on a book they read as well. 


The eight suggestions above are great ways to create a fun, modern, and cool library! They help make students excited to come back while building lifelong readers. 

If your collection is one you want to share, you have some options. You can click Invite or Share and receive a link, email, or QR Code. 

Depending on technology resources, QR codes can be printed and hung around the library for students to scan and immediately access resources, such as top books by an author or books based on genre. 

Students and teachers can access your library Wakelets or create their own. The best part is we can all be collaborators, which allows us to communicate even when we can’t be in the same room! How will you use Wakelet in your library?

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