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Students will use technology and problem-solving skills to complete this digital breakout about how to evaluate information found online.

This is part of my Digital Literacy Breakouts. Purchasing the bundle saves you 25%.

This breakout is completed with Google sites. Please make sure that Google sites is not blocked on your school computers. By using Google sites there is very little preparation that needs to be done to use this with your students.

What you need to use this breakout:

Chromebooks, computers, laptops or some type of mobile device. You will need one device for each team. I recommend teams of 2-3 students if possible. The devices must be connected to the internet. A free Google account for you and your students. Scratch paper for students to write down the lock codes while they are working.

What is included:

The breakout is accessed through a Google Site. Students will go to the url for the site to complete the breakout. On the Google Site is the scenario, student directions, links to each of the 3 challenges and a Google form for the students to enter the lock codes. Hints for each of the 3 challenges are located on the Google form where the codes are submitted.

⇒ This breakout reviews the same content that is in my Evaluating Sources PowerPoint and Activities. If you do not own it, you can still use this breakout, just make sure you have reviewed the same information.

VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE CHECK YOUR DISTRICT’S FILTER. Students will need access to Google Sites to complete the activity. Sometimes a school or district will block Google Sites. Even if Google Sites works on your staff account, it is possible that student accounts are blocked. Please verify this before purchasing. ALL firewall issues that occur are on your end in your school/district restrictions. I cannot troubleshoot. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Important Note: This is not an editable resource.

Advantages of using digital resources

  • Paperless
  • Engages students
  • Helps build 21st-century learners
  • Can use with Chromebooks, laptops, computers, tablets, iPads or other mobile devices

Download a preview of the breakout here.


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