
In a world where screens compete for our attention at every turn, there’s something truly magical happening in schools across the nation. It’s called the “One School, One Book” initiative, a breath of fresh air for teachers and families. This program isn’t just about reading, it’s about igniting a passion for stories. Community reading creates a strong sense of togetherness among students, parents, and teachers. So, grab a comfy chair, because in this blog post, we’re diving into the world of “One School, One Book.” We’ll uncover what it’s all about, the benefits, and how you can host one at your school. I’ve even got some fantastic book suggestions for your K-5 community! What’s the Buzz About “One School, One Book”? So, what’s this whole “One School, One Book” thing all about? At its core, it’s about building a vibrant sense of community through the sheer wonder of a