Digital Breakout – FREE Activity using Google Apps


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Introduce digital breakouts with your students with this interactive FREE activity. A digital breakout requires students to work together to solve puzzles and figure out codes to open the locks. In this breakout students will have to solve two challenges in order to figure out what their teacher’s favorite book is. Students will work directly in Google Classroom or Google Drive to complete these paperless activities.

This breakout is the perfect way to introduce your students to digital breakouts and get them used to the format.

The content of this breakout is identical to my Digital Breakout – FREE Activity using Google Forms. That breakout was made with Google Forms.

What you need to use this breakout:

Chromebooks, computers, laptops or some type of mobile device. You will need one device for each team. I recommend teams of 2-3 students if possible. The devices must be connected to the internet. A free Google account for you and your students. Scratch paper for students to write down the lock codes while they are working.

What is included:

The breakout is accessed through a Google Site. Students will go to the url for the site to complete the breakout. On the Google Site is the scenario, student directions, links to the challenges and a Google form for the students to enter the lock codes. The challenges are a Google slides activity (put the book titles in alphabetical order) and a Google forms quiz (solve three riddles). On the slides activity students will be asked to make a copy of the slide. There is also a jigsaw puzzle for students to complete as an ending activity.

This breakout is completed with Google sites. I used a G Suite account to create the breakout instead of a personal Google account. This means that most schools will either not block the site or can unblock it so students can access it. However, I can not guarantee that Google sites will not be blocked on your school computers.

Important Note: This is not an editable resource.

Advantages of using digital resources

⇒Paperless. No need to print and laminate materials

⇒Engages students

⇒Helps build 21st-century learners

⇒Can use with Chromebooks, laptops, computers, tablets, iPads or other mobile devices

Digital Breakouts – Frequently Asked Questions


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