Need a fun way to review the Dewey Decimal System with your students? Then this bingo game is for you!
There are a set of 32 cards (one set in color and one in b/w). The color and b/w sets are identical. You can print out the b/w on colored paper to make them look more interesting and to save on ink.
On each card is a common Dewey call number and category. The teacher/librarian will call out a book title. The student will cover up the Dewey category that matches the book title. For example: “Bible Storybook”. The call number that matches this title is “220 Bible Stories”. If the student has this Dewey category they will cover it up.
There are 2 book titles for each Dewey category. You can choose which ones you would like to use.
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© Copyright Staying Cool in the Library. All rights reserved by author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher prohibited. Additional licenses are available at a discount. For librarians: you may use this product with all of your classes and students.
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