Teach your students all about print concepts with these posters and worksheets. This product reviews the following concepts: parts of a book, tracking print, reading from top to bottom and left to right, return sweep, and recognizing and understanding the difference between letters, words, and sentences.
The preview file shows most of the pages that are included but not all. Please look at the preview before purchasing.
List of posters
• Parts of a book
• Back cover
• Front cover
• Title
• Author
• Illustrator
• Spine
• Title page
• Copyright page
• Table of contents
• Index
• Glossary
• Summary
• Barcode
• Call number
• Tracking print (from left to right and top to bottom)
• What is a sentence
• Capital letters, lowercase letters, and punctuation marks
*** Note: For school librarians, I have included three different pages where there is a call number shown. This is because so many libraries use different types of call numbers. One of the pages has no call number so you can write your own in if you need to. There are also different posters that show a barcode on the book and no barcode on the book. If you are a classroom teacher you may not want to teach these. This way you can print out just the posters that you need.
List of worksheets:
• 2 parts of a book labeling worksheet
• Letter discrimination
• Letter recognition (4 worksheets)
• Recognizing a sentence
• Recognizing the difference between letters, words, and sentences
• Recognizing left to right progression when reading
• Matching text to pictures
• Tracking print (3 worksheets)
• Matching letters (2 worksheets)
• 2-page mini book for students to practice reading a simple sentence. (comes in color and b/w)
There is also an activity to review with students the parts of a book. This can be used on a bulletin board, in centers, small groups or as an individual practice. Directions and pictures are included.
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