As the school year winds down I wanted to share with you some of my favorite end of the year read alouds. As we all know it can be extra challenging keeping our students’ engaged during the end of the year excitement. Summer break is calling and kids definitely have some ants in their pants!
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You are Ready! The World is Waiting by Eric Carle
This book has easy-to-read text encourage children who are going out into the world to spread their wings, knowing they have everything they need inside them
Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Last Day of School by Julie Gassman
A teacher points out many things that could go wrong if she were to grant permission for a student to bring a dragon to school on the last day.
Summer Vacation, Here I Come by D. J. Steinberg
It’s summer time, and what better way to celebrate the season than with some poems from best-selling author D. J. Steinberg! From splashing around at the local pool to heading on a family roadtrip, these silly and heartwarming poems – plus a page of stickers! – are sure to evoke the joy of summer vacation for every reader.
And Then Comes Summer by Tom Brenner
This book captures the joy and excitement of summer, from playing hide and seek until dark, parades, ice cream and family vacations. It is a beautiful and poetic book. I love this line: “When bumblebees bumble around in flowers, and warblers flit from tree to tree.”
No More Pencils, No More Books, No More Teacher’s Dirty Looks by Diaane De Groat
I love all the Gilbert books. They are funny and always teach some kind of lesson. Kids identify with Gilbert and love the humor and silly antics that happen in every book. This one is all about the last day of school and who will receive a year-end award from Mrs. Byrd.
Froggy’s Lemonade Stand Jonathan London
There are so many Froggy books that I could include on this list, but this is one that just came out last year. Froggy always finds himself in some kind of predicament and always finds a way to solve it in a humorous way. In this book Froggy opens a lemonade stand but winds up drinking all the lemonade. Of course Froggy’s friends and family are there to help him.
If You Ever Want to Bring a Piano to the Beach, Don’t! by Elise Parsley
Magnolia is a very precocious child with some wild ideas including why taking a piano to the beach not a good idea. Or is it? Your students will love Magnolia’s determination and hilarious antics.
Mrs. Spitzer’s Garden by Edith Pattou
With her sure, loving, gardener’s touch, Mrs. Spitzer nurtures the students in her classroom each year.
Lizzie and the Last Day of School by Trinka Hakes Noble
This story captures the many emotions children can feel as the last day of school approaches. Lizzie is sad to see school end for the summer. She loved her teacher and all the things she learned in first grade. She does not want the year to end. But she receives some good news that puts a smile on her face and makes her excited to see what a new school year will bring.
What are your favorite read alouds for the end of school? Do you have an activity idea to share? Comment below and let us know.
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