Book companion activities for the books The Mitten and The Hat by Jan Brett.
Activities for The Mitten
- 24 comprehension questions to use with the book
- 2 game boards (color and b/w), answer key and recording sheet. These can be used as a scoot game, center activity or in small groups or literacy centers
- Graphic organizers and reading response page
- Who’s Inside the Mitten
- Story elements
- Sequence story events cut and paste
- Story events writing
- Draw/write about who is in the mitten
- Writing prompt
- ABC order worksheet
- Printable mini book “What’s in the Mitten”
Activities for The Hat
- 24 comprehension questions to use with the book
- 2 game boards (color and b/w), answer key and recording sheet. These can be used as a scoot game, center activity or in small groups or literacy centers
- Graphic organizers and reading response page
- My Prediction
- Who Took the Clothes? cut and paste
- That’s the End
- ABC order worksheet
- Printable mini book “What’s in the Mitten”
Bonus: Two different worksheets to compare the stories. One is a Venn diagram and one is a drawing/writing activity
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