This is a set of no prep printables with a spring/summer theme. These are perfect for any elementary librarian. They are similar to my other sets. These can be used with students in Kindergarten through fifth grade. You can use these when you need a substitute, there is a last minute schedule change or any time you need a quick, educational activity. There is a separate table of contents that includes suggested grade levels.
Skills covered include:
- call numbers
- Dewey Decimal System
- ABC order
- reading skills with graphic organizers
- dictionary skills
- parts of a book
- There are also 2 library surveys to use at the end of the school year, one for younger students and one for older.
Terms of Use
© Copyright Staying Cool in the Library. All rights reserved by the author. This product is to be used by the original purchaser only. Copying for more than one teacher prohibited. Additional licenses are available at a discount. For librarians: you may use this product with all of your classes and students.
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