
As we prepare to wrap up another school year we are faced with one of our biggest challenges: getting all those library books returned! I have tried many strategies over the years with varying results. In this post, I am going to share with you some different tricks and ideas that will (hopefully) help get those books turned in before the last day of school. Award Prizes Award some kind of class prize or award for the first class in each grade level that returns all their books. Suggestions: Get Teachers Involved A fun way to get library books returned is to give a prize not only to the classes that have returned all of their books but to the teacher as well. Offer to cover their recess or lunch duty, provide an extra planning time or a gift certificate to Starbucks or Target. You might be surprised how
Are you struggling to get all of your students’ books checked out in a timely fashion? Do you feel like you are running in a million different directions and not able to answer everyone’s question? Have you ever felt like pulling your hair out at the end of a class because of the check out process? I know I have! In this post, you will learn 5 tips, ideas, and tricks to help you and your school library have a smoother book check out. Thankfully I have been blessed with an amazing library assistant, so most of the time there are two of us to handle book checkout. However, the past couple of years she is constantly pulled to cover classrooms. So I am often by myself and have felt the frustration many times. Why We Need a Smoother Book Check Out Process There is so much to do